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Introducing Mystic Realms - Proptaku Cosplay Studio

Introducing Mystic Realms

Proptaku Cosplay Studio is going back to some of its roots and bringing forward one of our original themes for the Studio.... TTRPG!

Join us as we release our first mini TTRPG: Mystic Realms. 

The game guide is targeted to short adventures with small or solo player teams, interacting with a Realm Master (RM), to give maximum creativity, while keeping the rules simple. 

A follow-on book of adventure scenarios: Mystic Adventures will be released this summer!

Here is a quick look at how the game rules are kept simple:

Skill Check Result = d20 roll + Attribute Modifier + Skill Level

  • d20 roll: Roll a 20-sided die.
  • Attribute Modifier: Derived from the character’s attribute (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Endurance).
  • Skill Level: The character’s proficiency level in the specific skill (1 to 5).

Skill Example: Hacking

Scenario: An Elf Technomancer attempts to hack into a security system.

  • Attribute: Intelligence (INT)
  • Skill: Hacking
  • INT Modifier: +2 (for INT 18)
  • Skill Level: 4 (Expert)

Skill Check: Hacking Check = d20 roll + 2 (INT Modifier) + 4 (Skill Level)

Example: The player rolls a 10 on the d20.

Hacking Check = 10 + 2 + 4 = 16

The result (16) is compared against the system's security level (set by the GM). If it meets or exceeds the difficulty, the hack is successful.

The game will be priced moderately to allow easy access to any TTRPG fan and will be available with special offers in the Studio store.

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