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Farewell to Kingcon - Proptaku Cosplay Studio

Farewell to Kingcon

A little while ago we received an email from the folks at Kingcon NW, the small local convention held every October in Renton WA. It looks like their fundraising efforts to support the con have not been successful, and they ended up in the red.

Despite marketing to over 125K people, with emails, interactions, posters, and social media, they only sold about 450 tickets (2 for Proptaku Cosplay Studio). Past experiences for this volume should have netted about 1K+ tickets. This is part of a trend seen with many small, local comic conventions. Attendance for Kingcon NW had decreased about 65% since 2019, thanks Covid.

This means that the fun little convention we'd been attending since 2017 (the con started in 2016) will no longer be held and changing expectations for 2024. The con is still facing managing the debts which have them in the red, so please consider helping out with their fundraising. Please contact if you can help.


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